Accident insurance protects your employees from the unexpected
Empower your employees to be prepared for whatever life throws their way
When employees get injured, it can take a mental and financial toll. Help give your employees peace of mind with access to accident insurance that can help cover the costs of accident care, recovery and even treatment‐related transportation and lodging.

How accident insurance works
Increase benefit coverage options
without impacting your bottom line
When an employee experiences a sudden covered accidental injury, accident insurance can help them offset unexpected medical expenses that aren’t covered by their medical insurance. Since benefits are paid directly, they can be used to cover things like co-pays and deductibles, making accident insurance a great complement to a high deductible health plan.
Coverage can be entirely employee-paid, offering a way to expand coverage options for employees without impacting your budget. Everyone wins:
Budget-friendly payroll deduction. You can offer accident insurance to employees with no extra billing.
Payments are made directly to employees. Accident payments are based upon the type of covered accident, and employees can spend the money how they want.
Flexible coverage options. Employees can choose coverage for just themselves, or they can select family coverage for their spouse and children.
No Medical Underwriting to qualify for coverage. Employees can get coverage without answering health questions, depending on the plan they choose.
Wellness benefit. Some plans offer a benefit for certain types of health screenings.
Talk with our team to learn how accident insurance can help you offer more competitive benefit packages for your employees and help them prepare for the unexpected.

Our accident insurance is designed with both employees and employers in mind
Employers and HR professionals
Provide a sound benefits package that can help attract and retain high-performing employees, without incurring additional company expenses
Manage the increasing costs of coverage through voluntary benefits and potential savings
Simplify the enrollment process for all your benefits, including traditional medical plans, by partnering with our nationwide team of benefit counselors
Reduce administrative burden by leveraging Colonial Life’s enrollment solutions and 24/7 support
Your employees and their families
Can gain peace of mind so they can focus on health and recovery instead of worrying about paying bills
Receive direct benefits (unless they specify otherwise) that can be used however they’d like, regardless of any other insurance they may have
Can select coverage options for themselves and/or eligible dependents
Some policies are portable, allowing employees to keep their coverage even if they change jobs
Commonly asked questions about accident insurance
What accident insurance products are available?
JKB Consulting Group offers several individual and group accident insurance policies.
How do I choose between offering my employees individual or group plans?
Individual and group plans have pros and cons. One of our team members can help you determine the best fit for your business and your employees.
Pros for individual plans include:
Employee-owned and portable, so employees can keep their policies if they change jobs
Guaranteed renewable in most states; rates stay stable
No participation requirements or account-level rate increases
Individual plans may have stricter underwriting requirements and have more limited rate flexibility, which leads to potentially higher rates.
Pros for group plans include:
Employer-owned, so benefits apply to all eligible employees across state lines (based on situs state)
Flexible underwriting with No Medical Underwriting to qualify for coverage options
More rate flexibility
Group plans may experience group-level rate increases, and are ported or converted at higher rates. Minimum participation requirements are also common.
What is accident insurance?
Accident insurance provides a benefit directly to employees if they are injured (may be on or off the job depending on the level of coverage) and need treatment, whether they go to a physician's office, urgent care center or the emergency room.

How much do accident plans pay?
The amount payable depends on the injury and the treatment received, usually a set amount for specific covered injuries or care. There is no lifetime or annual maximum payout.
How can employees use the money paid by an accident claim?
They can use the money any way they choose - for monthly bills, co-pays, deductibles or other expenses their medical plan doesn't cover.
How can employees use the money paid by an accident claim?
For individually owned policies, yes. When their current employment ends, they will receive a Continuation of Coverage letter with instructions on next steps. They will need to change their payment method to direct bill, which means they pay directly instead of paying through their employer.