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$1 Million Annual Max Plan
$5 Million Lifetime Max
Who is the ideal client for our Max Plan?
Someone who is healthy
Someone who needs a robust yet lower cost plan
Someone who likes having more up-front, first dollar coverage
Someone who does not need an ACA compliant plan (most states)
Someone who does not mind caps or limits due to current health being good
Someone who wants to save up to 60% on their current healthcare benefits premiums
Save BIG Money on your healthcare benefits!

$1.0 Million / $5.0 Million Plans
$1M/$5M - 250
$250 Individual Deductible
$500 Family Accumulated Deductible
$1M/$5M - 500
$500 Individual Deductible
$1,000 Family Accumulated Deductible
$1M/$5M - 750
$750 Individual Deductible
$1,500 Family Accumulated Deductible
Family Accumulated Deductible:
All charges, for all family members, that are subject to a deductible are combined in the Family Accumulated Deductible. Once the family, in total, reaches the Family Accumulated Deductible (i.e. $500, $1,000 or $1,500) amount, all family members will have met the deductible for the benefit year.
Important Updates From Our Previous Max Plan Options:
Injections: Limited to 25 injections per benefit year and subject to a $25 copay, after deductible, per injection
Visits/Testing: are limited to 4 visits per benefit year.
$100 copay per visit after the deductible
are applied after the deductible has been satisfied
Dependent Children:
Eye Exams and Glasses/Contact Lenses are not covered
Visual Acuity Screening is covered during Annual Exams
Dental Check-ups are not covered
Diabetic Supplies/Equipment:
Utilizing DiaThrive is $35/month
Non-DiaThrive has a $250 maximum benefit per benefit year, after deductible
Infusion/Injection Drugs and Chemotherapy/Radiation:
Maximum annual benefit: $50,000 per benefit year (combined)
Mental Health Hospital Services:
Inpatient hospitalizations covered, with a $250 copay after the deductible
Outpatient hospital/partial day stays are not covered
Pregnancy/Maternity Benefits:
All fees are capped at $15,000 total payable (must be precertified) per plan guidelines, per plan year
There are copays and deductibles applied to the delievery itself (hospitalization)
Any services outside routine pregnancy related hospital services;other benefit section may apply
Utilizes the MyLiveDoc platform
$0 Copay or Deductible
10 Primary Care / Specialist Visits:
*Annual Wellness Exams are excluded from the 10-visit limitation.
Services provided at a Medical Professional's office (physical/virtual/telephone) is considered a "visit". This includes, but not limited to:
Cardiac Rehab
Internal Medicine
Mental Health
Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy
Primary Care Physicians
Urgent Care
Pharmacy Benefits:
Pharmacy benefits are available through the Telemedicine platform: MyLiveDoc. $0 copay on Generic and Preferred Brand Name Drugs. MyLiveDoc has over 1,000 drugs available at no cost. Visit for a formulary listing.
For a Plan Comparison and Complete Summary of Benefits and Coverage
Includes 2024/2025 Pricing

(Includes our amazing pricing!)
Why you need to enroll!

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